We invite you to contact us by completing our online pre-qualification questionnaire and complete the one that best meets your requirement and submit the same for a brief assessment of your background, circumstances and qualifications. You can also book a low-cost detailed consultation to review your background in detail. This is done in our offices or by phone or Skype if you are outside Toronto/Canada. Rest assured, all of our consultations and inquiries are in complete confidence.
For a reliable assessment result, we ask you for specific information to see if you qualify under the category that you have in mind, and we will also tell you if you are better qualified under another type of application that you may not be aware of. This assessment can usually be done in about an hour, and it is necessary that you provide us some of your documents such as your detailed resume and other papers that relate to your questions. If there are things that you can do to qualify in the future, we will briefly advise you what your options are within the free assessment time and if we feel that you will not qualify to make a successful application, we will be candid in our report to you, and you will not be left with false hopes or spend money needlessly.
Our personal file review and counselling service has been designed for confident consumers who are highly adept at interpreting government forms and wish to do the majority of work on their own, but don’t want to take any unnecessary risks. We review the work you have done with a fine tooth comb during your online or visit to our offices, looking for errors and/or omissions that will cause delays and potentially get the file referred for an interview, adding considerably to the processing time and providing you with direction to speed the application through to a positive assessment.
The review is usually done by our principal consultant and firm’s founder, who has worked in Immigration for many years, ICCRC and CAPIC Member and current Director of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants.
This file review and personal coaching includes an in-house appointment where possible or online of 2 to 2 1/2 hours to allow us to go into the depth necessary. We also provide up to one full hour of follow-up telephone assistance to answer questions on how to respond to requests from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Most of our clients also call us back for a second appointment to help prepare them if they are called in for an Immigration Officer’s interview in marriage and Family Class applications, where they are looking to test the bona-fides of the relationship, or to review the Skilled Worker’s background and experience.
Our hourly rate applies for the second appointment and for time over the additional hour of telephone support after your initial meeting/online with us. Our full service already includes this if we are retained for our full service). Please call or email us and we will let you know what our current fees are. Please note payment for our services is due just prior to or at the appointment, and can be made by Visa, MasterCard, Interac Debit, or cash; we do not accept personal cheques.
Please contact our office when you are ready to meet with us. We will set up an appointment that is convenient for all concerned. Because of the time needed at file review, we request that all material be provided ahead of the meeting.
Your peace of mind is just a click or phone call away! Call 1 908 989 0465 or 1 416 848 7420 or e-mail us at [email protected]
We can assist you in perfecting an application that you have started and address problems on an application that you are having difficulty with that is already in process.
You may wish to retain One World Immigration Consulting Services, Mr. Igbokwe and his staff to answer detailed questions about the immigration process or discuss options in greater detail that relate to your particular circumstances. We can counsel you on the process forward and in any other Immigration and Citizenship matters including reviewing of forms, supporting documents and submissions you prepared and wish to submit yourself. In addition we can provide you counselling in preparation for skilled worker or family sponsorship interviews. We do also help repair or mitigate problems by correcting errors and omissions, adding a family member, updating your applications in process to reflect changes in your individual circumstances, responding to challenges from a visa officer or with Citizenship and Immigration Canada on an application that is already in process.
Please contact us for our fees and appointment at 1 908 989 0465 or 1 416 848 7420 or e-mail us at [email protected].
One World Immigration Consulting Services (OWICS) is a subsidiary pf George Dpnaldson & Associates Inc., a Canadian company base in Canada. We are dedicated to excellence and efficiency in international immigration consultancy.