To our valued clients,
We salute and thank the frontline workers and , our healthcare heroes of the COVID-19 war for their courageous and unrelenting fight to keep Canadians safe. Canadians are highly indebted to you!
At One World Immigration Consulting Services your safety and well-being and that of our associates is very important to us. In light of the “new normal” in the era of COVID 19, we have implemented new policies and procedures to protect our clients and associates from potential exposure of COVID-19; we believe the new procedures will vastly improve your client service experience with minimal wait times, while ensuring your safety.
– We have adopted a pre-booked service appointment to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Until further notice we will be having online video meetings while working remotely and will provide you electronic documents for execution and to be return to us electronically so that we can continue to serve you without interruption.
-We will no longer accept walk-in clients when government restriction about office closure is relaxed. This will allow us to manage the number of clients and potential clients waiting in our reception at any given time.
– You will be required to complete an online health-screening form prior to your visit based on provincial guidelines.
– Face mask is required throughout the duration of your visit to protect yourself and those around you
– Hand sanitizer will be available for your use, you are required to use same for your safety and ours.
– Please arrive promptly at the time of your appointment. In the event that you are running late, please contact us in advance.
– You may be required to wait outside at the request of our receptionist/office manager to keep the number of visitors in our reception and office to a minimum.
– At times, we may need to reschedule your appointment. If so, we will do our best to reschedule you for the next available time slot.
-The safety and well-being of our staff/associates is one of our primary concerns. We will accommodate all requests for leave related to illness or safety concerns, and have asked that anyone showing symptoms of, or having exposure to, COVID-19 remain at home.
-All Desks, chairs/interview stations will be regularly disinfected after every client, staff will be wearing face masks and sanitize hands after each encounter with the client. Our desks and seating have been arranged to maintain safe/2metres distance between the client and the associate/consultant.
-We ask clients who are feeling unwell or who have travelled internationally within the last two weeks from date of contacting us not to visit our office.
-Thank you for your understanding and doing your part to keep Canadians safe.
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