The Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Pilot Program has reopened. CIC will accept applications from February 13 to April 15, 2015, or until a maximum of 500 applications are received.
Subsequently, approximately 60 applications will be randomly selected and approved for the IIVC Fund. Applicants must have a personal net worth of CDN $10 million or more. The net worth must have been acquired through lawful, private sector business or investment activities. Personal net worth acquired by inheritance or in the value of primary residence will not count towards the personal net worth requirement.
The applicant must also be willing and able to make an at-risk investment of CDN $2 million in the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital (IIVC) Fund for approximately 15 years, in addition to meeting the minimum language proficiency levels based on the Canadian Language Benchmark of 5 in either English or French for all four language abilities. Applicant must prove that he/she either completed Canadian post-secondary education degree, diploma or certificate of at least one year OR a foreign equivalent, as validated by an original Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from a CIC-designated organization. To find out if you are eligible to apply as an investor, click here to complete your eligibility questionnaire.
Applicants with a personal net worth of $50 million or more acquired through lawful, private sector business or investment activities, can request an exemption from the education requirement.
One World Immigration Consulting Services (OWICS) is a subsidiary pf George Dpnaldson & Associates Inc., a Canadian company base in Canada. We are dedicated to excellence and efficiency in international immigration consultancy.